Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Well, Mr and Mrs Fish have officially been married for 10 years ! We were married on September 12, 1998 - it was a hot September day (which I was NOT anticipating) it was not all that common in Minnesota. It was a beautiful clear blue sky. All in all it was an awesome day!

Happy Anniversary, my love. I pray for many more fun and exciting years to come. You have taught me so much these past ten years and I am thankful for the 3 incredible guppies we have blessed with. Through everything, you have been there by my side encouraging me in our walk of faith. For all this and more I can honestly say ... Baby, you ROCK!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Apples

I kind of knew this was coming and yet tried to deny the fact (funny how we do that) - but, it seems I am not going to have any apples this year.
Last year was AMAZING! We had more apples than we knew what to do with: we made applesauce, apple butter, apple pies, diced apples, apple slices, apple crips and more! But alas, the freezer is now apple empty and we have maybe 5 apples between the 2 trees (waaah!) I absolutely love the smell of apples cooking on the stove, especially during these cooler days. It is so easy to peel and pop some apples in the crockpot before school and then later reap the benefits during snack time. Oh how I miss it... I am seriously praying one of our neighbors has an overabundance - hahaha!

Funny thing though, even with no apples... I am still finding myself with plenty to do.

I am beginning to think that God just knew that I would already have my hands full with other things and thus, no apples. Would I really have time this year for apples with homeschooling all 3 children AND my part-time nonprofit job? Even though I only work 15 hours a week, it seems that now with my afternoons eaten up. Maybe it was the addition of 2 kindergardeners (that's what my daughter calls it - Kinder Gardener) added to our schedule? Although we did "school" them last year, this year requires a bit more time.
I shall just trust that God knows best and wait for the apple blessings as they come. I guess it is true that He never gives you more than you can handle...even if it is ... just apples.

Lesson Learned.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Too many cucumbers = pickles

I am absolutely NOT a pickle fan...

but my family is (go-figure). Well, basically for me it is the dill that drives me away. APPARENTLY, I ate a few too many dill pickles as a 4 year old and well, now I can't even stand the smell of dill. *blush*

Anyhow, I decided to make pickles out of all these cukes we were blessed with...but not dill. I typically don't even attempt to eat pickles without dill because, well, the thought never occurred to me before yesterday *duh*. So, i sliced up 2 cups of Red Onions (cuz i like them) and chopped 2 cloves garlic (cuz i like them too) and then washed and sliced (the long way) one ice cream pail of cukes. I dumped the onions, garlic and cukes all into a large glass bowl. I then took out a stainless medium sized pot and began to concoct my "vinegar" -- this is basically the same recipe as refridgerator pickles.

I used:
6 cups vinegar
3 cups sugar
3 T sea salt

I stirred it until the sugar was mostly dissolved and brought it to a boil for about 10 minutes and promptly poured it over my fresh veggies, making sure that the "juice" came over the top of the veggies. I let them all cool on the counter then dumped the whole mess into the ice cream bucket, covered and popped into the fridge. I did steal some onions and thought they were awesome.

Today, before breakfast *blush* I ate one... guess what-- I liked it :)
Hope you do too!