Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Apples

I kind of knew this was coming and yet tried to deny the fact (funny how we do that) - but, it seems I am not going to have any apples this year.
Last year was AMAZING! We had more apples than we knew what to do with: we made applesauce, apple butter, apple pies, diced apples, apple slices, apple crips and more! But alas, the freezer is now apple empty and we have maybe 5 apples between the 2 trees (waaah!) I absolutely love the smell of apples cooking on the stove, especially during these cooler days. It is so easy to peel and pop some apples in the crockpot before school and then later reap the benefits during snack time. Oh how I miss it... I am seriously praying one of our neighbors has an overabundance - hahaha!

Funny thing though, even with no apples... I am still finding myself with plenty to do.

I am beginning to think that God just knew that I would already have my hands full with other things and thus, no apples. Would I really have time this year for apples with homeschooling all 3 children AND my part-time nonprofit job? Even though I only work 15 hours a week, it seems that now with my afternoons eaten up. Maybe it was the addition of 2 kindergardeners (that's what my daughter calls it - Kinder Gardener) added to our schedule? Although we did "school" them last year, this year requires a bit more time.
I shall just trust that God knows best and wait for the apple blessings as they come. I guess it is true that He never gives you more than you can handle...even if it is ... just apples.

Lesson Learned.

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