Monday, November 16, 2009


I have recently been learning a lot from the Lord regarding my focus. Is my focus on my circumstances and what I have made of them or is my focus on the Lord and what HE is doing IN my circumstances? Don't get me wrong... I am thrilled with where I am right now (not with all things however), but He wants to change me - US ....from Glory to Glory.

Since allowing HIM to show me where my focus was, I have been a lot more open to change, to allow Him to change me. Just recently (last night actually) I finally allowed the Lord to show me some of my past (yep, ouch) BUT- do you know what I learned ?!? He was there through it all. Loving me, every step of the way. Reaching out. It was ME who chose to stuff my feelings, to stuff myself, to basically choose to dislike myself enough to hide. To allow myself to become something I did not like, to basically reject myself. It is amazing what a fear will do, when you let it take control of your life. I see now, how I managed to get myself into some of the messes I am in...I allowed myself and it is sin. Now that I know, I am more than READY to let Him change me. To allow Him to finish the good work he has begun in me. AND I am excited to see Him complete His good work in YOU! It is ok to give yourself permission to see yourself as a pure and spotless bride, even if you don't feel that way. Because HE sees you as His Bride and Loves YOU!

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