Sunday, November 15, 2009

Things are not always what they seem ...

"Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgement." John 7:24 ~ Spoken by Jesus as he was teaching at the Feast about being judged for Healing a whole man on the Sabbath while they were performing circumcision on the Sabbath as they claimed was the Law of Moses. Which in fact, it was the law placed upon them by the patriarchs, not Moses.

~ How easy it is for us be decieved by what we "think" is right, just because our family has "always done it that way"... or even "because it sounds right". Unless we test what we believe by the written Word of God, how can we 'judge' it to be true, right, correct and Godly? Sometimes it is so easy to get mixed up in wordly recommendations, that we forget WHO we are and WHO we belong to. That we should in fact "take every thought captive" and "test" those things we take for truth. How else can we share our faith in God with others if we don't test what we believe? I find the best place to Test my beliefs is at the foot of the cross, being held by the one who loves me with a right judgement and a forgiving heart.

~ How easy it is for us to look at the outside and judge the entire person by "what it looks like". I have found myself at times, thinking thoughts that were not based on truth, just because of how a "situation" looked/appeared. But, by digging deeper and taking those thoughts captive, a bit of discernment will break through, revealing pieces of the puzzle that can change the entire picture. " But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1Sam. 16:7) Listening and believing that voice of truth can make a huge difference in impacting a life for the Lord. How easy it would be to judge and look the other way instead of reaching out with a heart full of compassion, a heart full of forgiveness, a heart full of comfort, or healing or whatever the Lord would have you share. It would be so simple to ignore that piece of iron which was placed there to sharpen you, instead of embracing the opportunity to change a life for the Lord... you never know, that life might be yours!

Thank you Jesus! <3

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